Last Saturday was the first Sisterhood Session with Thandi M for 2019. It was wonderful to see everyone who came to tackle a difficult topic on self-esteem. Our sessions have grown, and that demonstrates the positive impact that these are having on our sisters. People shared their views, experiences and testimonies. This gave us an opportunity to gain deeper insight and to understand the causes of low self-esteem, as well as, explore possible solutions to overcome our insecurities. We trust that this article will bless you as you take control!
People with low confidence, and who feel bad about themselves, suffer from low self-esteem. They often feel unlovable, awkward, and incompetent, including not liking themselves as persons. Here are brief reasons for some causes, and steps to help you overcome so that you too can have a handle on this.
Our backgrounds, the foundation of our childhood and upbringing, have a tremendous impact on how we develop our self-image. So, words spoken to us, names we are called by and a lack of positive feedback caused by rejection due to unplanned childbirth or rape and being born out of wedlock, can cause a person to have low self-esteem well into their adulthood. This includes toxic environments where a child or adult is made to feel negative about themselves. Other aspects of our background include gender issues in our families where male children are given a higher value than female child. Abandonment and lack of mother-child bonding can cause low self-esteem in a person. Some studies have also indicated that children who are adopted or fostered, struggle to develop their self-esteem because they feel unwanted by their biological parents and families.
Another strong aspect is that words are powerful. What we say about ourselves affects how we turn out, and therefore some inner vows we have made in an attempt to protect ourselves have ultimately led us to build bruised images of ourselves. But, you can overcome it!
Knowing your self-worth is the first step to freeing yourself. This is certainly not about your possessions, but much about who you are. You are a child of God who is fearfully and wonderfully made, despite your background and circumstances. Become secure in who you are and have confidence in your abilities. Everyone is a masterpiece before God. The world is waiting for your unique gifting, so don’t compete. Forgive yourself and the mistakes of others. Use positive talk and affirmations and keep focusing your mind on positive things.
Positive talk has great potential to impact our thoughts and feelings. Romans 12 teaches us that our lives will be transformed by renewing our minds. Control your words, encourage yourself in speaking what God says about you to yourself when the enemy brings negative self-thoughts. Positively affirm yourself every time to instil self-confidence, positive thoughts and feelings. Read and meditate on God’s word and listen to motivational messages.
Finally, develop your self-image. How you see yourself determines how you feel about yourself and how others will see you. When we think positively on the inside we glow with confidence on the outside, and that’s the energy we send to the universe. Recognise your strengths and build on them so that you can move forward from painful experiences. Adopt a much healthier lifestyle like eating clean and exercising, to improve and boost your self-esteem with a healthier physical body.
Trust God to help you overcome by His Holy Spirit. Remember, God’s desire is to restore you.